Governor Abbott Remembers Fallen Heroes At Central Texas State Veterans Cemetery Memorial Day Ceremony

~ In a moving Memorial Day ceremony at the Central Texas State Veterans Cemetery in Killeen, Governor Greg Abbott paid tribute to the brave men and women of the U.S. Armed Forces who have made the ultimate sacrifice in service to their country. The ceremony, attended by over 300 people, was a solemn reminder of the sacrifices made by these heroes to protect American freedoms.

During his keynote address, Governor Abbott spoke about the significance of Memorial Day and its importance in honoring and remembering those who have served in the military. He emphasized that their sacrifices should not be limited to just one day, but should be remembered every day.

"America is a symbol of freedom, opportunity, and hope to the entire world," said Governor Abbott. "And it is because of our nation's military that these sacred rights are safeguarded. Today, we honor those who have gone into harm's way to protect our way of life."

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The Governor also called for a renewed commitment to supporting military families and increasing resources for veterans in Texas. He highlighted state programs such as Operation Welcome Home and Hiring Red, White, & You, which provide crucial services for veterans.

Joining Governor Abbott at the ceremony were General Land Office Commissioner Dawn Buckingham, City of Killeen Mayor Debbie Nash King, City of Harker Heights Mayor Michael Blomquist, and other state and military officials. Together, they paid their respects to those who have given their lives for their country.

As the ceremony came to an end with a moment of silence and a playing of Taps, it was clear that Governor Abbott's words had struck a chord with all those in attendance. The sacrifices made by these brave men and women will never be forgotten as they continue to inspire future generations to protect American liberties.

Filed Under: Government, State

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