Texas Launches Upgraded State Of Texas Emergency Assistance Registry (STEAR) Database

~ Governor Greg Abbott has announced the launch of the enhanced State of Texas Emergency Assistance Registry (STEAR) database, which aims to provide local emergency planners and responders with crucial information about their community's specific needs during disasters. The free and voluntary registry is designed to assist Texans with disabilities or mobility challenges by providing state and local officials with personalized information that can aid in disaster preparation and response.

According to Governor Abbott, the safety of all Texans, including those with special needs or disabilities, is a top priority. He recognizes that during times of crisis, communication barriers and mobility challenges can become even more difficult to navigate. With the upgraded STEAR database, individuals can now communicate their specific needs to state and local officials, ensuring they receive the necessary assistance during a disaster.

The Texas Division of Emergency Management (TDEM) has built the database and made it accessible to participating local officials. TDEM Chief Nim Kidd explains that by modernizing the STEAR database, local communities will have additional tools to identify and assist individuals with specific needs more efficiently and effectively. He encourages any Texan with medical, access, or functional needs to register for STEAR in order to inform local responders of their individual needs in case of a disaster.

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The upgraded STEAR database introduces several key improvements that aim to enhance user experience and increase efficiency for local jurisdictions. These include a new URL where Texans can now register online at stear.texas.gov, an enhanced user interface for easier navigation and data management, seamless integration with local systems for improved functionality at the local level, real-time mapping powered by Geographic Information System (GIS) technology for essential visualization tools, improved data validation for accurate contact information, and streamlined data entry for better data quality.

The updated STEAR database is now live and available for registration at stear.texas.gov. Individuals can also register by dialing 2-1-1. Governor Abbott assures that the State of Texas will continue to enhance state resources and services to ensure that every Texan has the necessary support during times of crisis. With the upgraded STEAR database, Texans can feel more prepared and supported in the face of disasters.

Filed Under: Government, State

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